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Writer: Christy SchuetteChristy Schuette

March 12


Numbers 6

Psalm 33:10-17

Proverbs 8:1-3

Mark 11:12-33




“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.”  Number 6:24-26 ESV


This passage in Numbers 6 is known as the Aaronic Blessing.  It is the blessing that God instructed Aaron and his sons to speak over the people of Israel.  It has been used throughout the centuries, long after the Aaronic priesthood ended and continues to be used in Judaism today.  It is also used in Catholic, Lutheran and Anglican liturgical readings and in some Protestant churches regularly.  It is a priestly blessing given over a congregation by their leader.  Its simplicity coupled with its profound meaning have made it a fitting ending to many religious services throughout history. It is significant to note that it is not the priest giving his blessing over the people. It is focused completely on God.  He gave the instructions for it and it is the Lord who blesses the people.  The priest is asking God to bless the people and do for them what he cannot do for them and what they cannot do for themselves. 

            “The Lord bless you and keep you” is asking God for His protection.  I don’t know if this is a regional thing but growing up in Alabama, I understand what that means.  I lived within minutes of both of my grandmothers so I don’t ever remember having a babysitter.  Whenever my parents had plans at night one of my grandmothers would “keep me.”  I would go to my Mama Mae’s house or my Mama Renie’s house and they would take care of me, protect me, make sure I had dinner, and didn’t get into anything I wasn’t supposed to.  I loved going to either of my grandparent’s houses because I always felt cherished and safe there.  I think this is exactly the meaning the priestly blessing is supposed to convey.  He is asking God to watch over us, care for us, give us what we need and make sure we don’t get into anything we aren’t supposed to.           

            “The Lord make His face to shine upon you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you”  is asking for God’s favor or His attention.  Children have an innate need for eye contact and for their parents to be attentive to them. From infancy they seek one-on-one interaction.  They come home from school with pictures they have created seeking praise from their Mama.  They look into the stands when they score to make sure their Daddy saw what they did.  They need to know they are seen and appreciated.  If they do not get attention for positive behavior, they will seek it in negative ways.  Unfortunately, many children today do not get the undivided attention they so desperately need because their parents are glued to their cell phones.  As children of God we need to know we are seen and that our heavenly Father approves of us.  We desire His favor and attention.  This blessing is asking God to turn His face to us and give us His full attention, to listen to us when we call and give us His favor. 

            “And give you peace” goes beyond just an absence of strife.  This is talking about peace with God. Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection is the means by which we can have right relationship with God.  We were dead in our sins, but Jesus gave Himself as a sacrifice for us so that we can be at peace with God.  Colossians 1:21-22 explains that we were “alienated and enemies in mind and in evil deeds but now He reconciled us in the body of His flesh through death, in order to present us before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach.”  And because we are in relationship with God, we know that He is there with us no matter what we face.  The storms may rage around us but He will protect us under the shelter of His wings.  All is well in our souls because He is our God.  This is a powerful blessing asking for God’s protection, His attention and His presence that provides His children with peace.   





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