March 13
Numbers 7
Psalm 33:18-22
Proverbs 8:4-5
Mark 12:1-27
Common Sense
“You who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish, set your hearts on it.” Proverbs 8:5 NIV
Merriam-Webster defines “simple” as “lacking in knowledge or expertise, lacking in intelligence, not wise.”² The person who is simple often acts precipitously because they lack knowledge and experience. A simple-minded fool doesn’t even realize how little he knows. He has an inflated view of his own wisdom. Solomon is advising us not to act foolishly, but to exercise common sense. Many of the problems we experience are a result of our failure to just be prudent. It is interesting that we often have difficulty seeing the foolishness of our own decisions but can clearly look at someone else’s choices and see that they are hasty and rash. As children of God, we have access to the One who is the source of all wisdom. We do not have to make decisions on our own. In fact, we should not make any decision on our own. We should never act hastily. Before making any decision, we need to seek God through prayer and reading His Word. We should also seek counsel from godly Christian brothers who will pray with and for us about the matter. If forced to decide before we have time to pray and seek the Lord about what we should do, then we should say no. If it is God’s plan, He will always give us the opportunity to evaluate and make a wise choice. Instead of asking if it would be ok to do something, ask if it would be wise to do it. It may be ok to buy that new dress, but is it wise? It may be ok to hang out with that friend, but is it wise? It may be ok to watch that TV program, but is it wise? “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5 (NIV)